Quantro APK 0.9.7
Quantro APK 0.9.7

Enjoy classic falling tetromino gameplay in “Retro” mode; tetracubes and 3D-pieces provide an entirely new play experience in “Quantro” mode. All game modes are available in single-player and WiFi / Internet multiplayer.
Play 6 different single-player game types with 36 unique falling pieces. Take a break whenever you need to – Quantro saves your game automatically. Accelerating pieces and optional garbage rows provide a challenge that grows with your skills.
Play Quantro against your friends on a local WiFi connection, or over the Internet. (Multiplayer gameplay is experimental and may not be available for all users)
Quantro is an Android exclusive tetromino and tetracube game, built from the ground-up for Android phones and tablets.
Quantro features a unique graphical style, and original music and sounds by Doğaç Yavuz. Quantro is FREE! (Remove ads on supported devices by unlocking premium content with an in-app purchase)
Visit Peace Ray: http://www.peaceray.com/quantro/
Design, graphics, and programming by: jake@peaceray.com
Music and sounds by: http://www.dogacyavuz.com/
* Internet: so you can play online (and for ads & analytics).
* Billing: so you can unlock premium features and remove ads.
* Access Wifi State / Network State: for multiplayer.
* Wake Lock: so you don’t get disconnected from a multiplayer game or lobby.
* Android Beam (NFC): to invite players directly into a multiplayer lobby
Quantro, Peace Ray and the Q logo are trademarks of Peace Ray LLC.
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Current Version: 0.9.7
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Category: Brain & Puzzle
Size: 31M
What’s in this version:
* Replaces XL upgrade with premium content store
* New in-game options menu on pause
* Shuffle between backgrounds in-game
* Menus 20% coolerer
* New game modes available as premium content or for previous XL users
* New skins, backgrounds, and music available
* Disables “mute with ringer” by default to fit Android best practices
* User agreement and privacy policy updated for premium store
Code: Play.google.com
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