Teen Patti - Indian Poker APK 1.50.02

Teen Patti - Indian Poker APK 1.50.02

Teen Patti by Octro is a LIVE ONLINE card game that you play with REAL PLAYERS from all around the world. You can play any time and any where. Teen Patti is an exciting game. It is also known as Flash or Flush. Each Teen Patti table can have up to 5 players. Winning a hand depends upon the cards you get and moves that you play. Normally the player that has the best hand wins.

Ranking of the cards from high to low is:
1. Trail or Set (three of same rank),
2. Straight Flush (pure sequence or run),
3. Straight (sequence or run),
4. Color (flush),
5. Pair (two cards of same rank), and
6. High Card.

Teen Patti by Octro is multiplayer card game that you can play with bots (computer) and with your Facebook friends anywhere in the world. You can play in public room or in a private room where you can invite your friends and decide the bet per point. In the Teen Patti game you win or lose chips. The chips have no real cash value. The game does not involve real gambling. It is completely free. If you lose all your free chips, you can buy more chips to play for longer period.

The main features of Teen Patti by Octro are
1. Play with real players anywhere in the world
2. Create private rooms
3. Easy and refreshing interface to play the moves like Blind, Chaal and Show
4. Live in-game chat and exchange gifts.

Teen Patti is sometimes called Teen Pathi in South India.

Current Version: 1.50.02
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Category: Cards & Casino
Size: 20M

What’s in this version:
 Version 1.50.02
1) Facebook Login had some issues on some phones
2) Chat with your friends while sitting on the table
3) Check out our sliding Leaderboard on the table
Version 1.01.12
1) Should work on lower memory devices
2) Themes now include themed cards
Version 1.01.11
1) Themes - change the look and feel of the Teen Patti table. Especially check out our Diwali theme.
2) Bug Fixes
3) No limit table gives you an extra warning

Code: Play.google.com


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