Smart To Protect From Online Store Crime

Smart To Protect From Online Store Crime

check pagerank
A few days ago, one of my friends had told me about the rampant crime of online business. Often he found online stores that turned out to be a fraud, and even testimonies which is on the online store found to be fake. He asked me how do we know which online stores are scams and how we report the crime of a site to the government. This experience you may have encountered or may have occurred to you. For that, we will describe how to avoid crime of online stores. So that experience fooled by the online store does not happen (again) to you.

A. Google Pagerank
Answering a question from my friend, I first asked to him about what he knows about the pagerank and alexa rank. He replied "PageRank is the algorithm for displaying the position of a websites on the search engines of Google, while Alexa rank is a measure popularities of a site". Looks like nothing is wrong, but it was the beginning of one's easily fooled by fake online stores.

Pagerank is not only a measurement tool used by Google to put the position of a websites on search engines. But it can also be used to determine a site is trustworthy or not. Government websites are free from viruses or similar always have a high pagerank. In general, these sites do not need try to catch up backlinks from other websites. However, another case with the websites of educational institutions. Such as MIT, ITB, UNJ, Harvard, RUG, and others. Official websites from education institutions that can be trusted always have a high PageRank. A pagerank high level from websites educational institutions are very dependent on the benefits for people and the government.

Let us take three examples of educational institutions: ITB, UNJ, RUG. ITB and RUG have a high pagerank to 8 (checked in on December 28, 2012 at 23:30, West Indonesia Time). This is understandable due to ITB and RUG already have a number of international journals are essential for others. Content of both sites are often be a reference for online and offline media. Another case with UNJ, this site has a PageRank of 6 (checked in on December 28, 2012 at 23:30, West Indonesia Time). Compared with UNJ, ITB has more international journals are considered beneficial for others. And also, ITB is more be a reference for online and offline media in Indonesia. However, UNJ remains an Indonesian government-owned educational institutions.

Keep in mind, I have checked the pagerank of the three sites with and use the facilities link information from google (by typing or info: or info:

And what about the other sites, such as online stores? Online store and other sites will get a high pagerank when the site is getting a lot of links from other sites, especially with the same category. However, the high page rank of a site is not only seen from the number of the link, but also the authenticity of the content, quality content, site security, and convenience of the site to use. In other words, online store sites that have high page rank is more reliable for use by others in a shopping transaction.

To avoid fake pagerank, it is advisable to you to perform the following steps
1. Use a browser that supports web browsing security systems, such as Chrome and Firefox. Always update the latest version of your web browser.
2. Check the authenticity of pagerank with checkpagerank, and through the typed info: SITEURL the browser address bar. Make sure that no fake link. Notice the picture below as example of genuine pagerank. If the result is the same with link SITEURL, then pageranknya is genuine.

check pagerank genuine
3. If you do not use a browser that supports web browsing security system, then check the security of the site by typing on browser address. Note the picture below as example of safe site.

safe browser

B. Alexa Rank
Alexa rank is a measure of a site's traffic. Unlike PageRank, more traffic then more small the value of alexa rank. Alexa rank is not dependent on the pagerank of a site, so not all of the sites with high PageRank have good alexa rank. Therefore, in general, government sites always have a high PageRank, but often have a poor Alexa rank. In general, alexa rank is always related to one's needs. Someone will find sites that can meet their needs assessed. For example, online store sites tend to have a good alexa rank, because everyone is always trying to make ends meet. A website will be recommended by someone to his friend, and his friend will do the same to others. This can lead to a good alexa rank on a site, and is common on online stores. A good online store is an online store that has a high pagerank and small alexa rank.

C. Carefully read the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service
This is trivial, but very important, but an awful lot of users online stores are not going to read it. You should read the privacy policy to ensure the workings of the online store. In general, an online store will track the IP of the user. It is legitimate, but you need to know what the intent and purpose of an online store to track the IP of the user. Read each of the content of the policy.

In addition, you should also read carefully the Terms of Service from an online store. Check out who is entitled to use the site and in the scope of what online stores are responsible for any financial transaction. Make sure that your rights as a consumer is safe, it is possible for an online store is not responsible for any losses that you received from the transaction on their online store. On the pretext, you consent to the privacy policy of any content and terms of service. In general, every online store will ask your consent to the privacy policy and terms of service that they have by way of clicking. So, do not rush to agree. Make sure you are aware with all its contents. KEEP IN MIND, THE GOOD BUSINESS IS SELLER AND BUYER NOT HARMED.

D. Understand what online stores and junction online store
Some might consider the same between the online store with the online market. Basically, both are different. Online store is a place for buying and selling transactions between buyers and sellers online. One example of an online store is and So, the buyer will conduct financial transactions directly with the seller. Regardless of goods sold and from which the goods were acquired by the seller.

A good online store always provide the login facility, and your data is stored securely. They will explain to you the specifications of items to be purchased before you agree to purchase. The way the payment always made ​​through authorized banks such as Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, or Paypal. Money back guarantee is usually a top priority when the goods are bought not to destination.

Good online store, always guarantee security of the transaction. They have the evidence legally and compliance with applicable laws. They also always give an official address where their stores are located.

Another case with the junction online store. Junction online store will connecting buyers and sellers to make transactions. In this case, the junction online store in general will not be held responsible for all sales and purchase agreements that occur between buyers and sellers. Due to sale and purchase agreement on the basis of trust between buyers and sellers. A good junction online store not only to obey the law, but also provides a safe trading guide. Each user of the junction online store I encourage you to read it first. So you will not be fooled. One example of the online market is and

E. Partner Stores Online
An online store that has an official partner of the producer (such as nokia, samsung, LG, etc.) is an online store that can be trusted. Proof that the online store is an official partner of the producer you can see from the official website of the producer. So, do not immediately believe that the online store is an official partner when it has never been mentioned by the official website of producer.

F. Testimonial
Maybe some of you think that the testimony of an online store is the original statement. In fact, a lot of testimony that turned out to be a fake. Never trust a site if the testimony is not shared to social networking and received a positive response. Social networks have a strong mental effects and can undermine the tyranny of a site. Because friendships more likely to be trusted by others.

Therefore, a good online store is an online store that also has social networking accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. Their follower are loyal customers and vice versa. So pay attention to the social networking accounts of them, who they follow. Online store that follows the social networking accounts of their customers and vice versa is a good online store.

G. Where is the place to report the crime of online store
If you feel cheated by the online store or find an online store that is suspicious, then you can report it to the police and Depkominfo (

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